by melhud | Oct 24, 2017 | Thoughts & Rantings
*spoiler alert this is not photography related, so read at your own risk!!* so tonight the crazy lady in me made an appearance.. now i normally try really hard at playing down that part of my personality, at times it can be just too much and very overwhelming, i feel...
by melhud | Oct 24, 2017 | Family, Thoughts & Rantings
Lets photograph our ‘Right Nows’ Mel Hudson Family Photography This afternoon my lovely Mummy called up to see her many grandchildren that all reside in my home. she plays with them, reads a story, chats, brings them treats and then has a cup of tea (if...
by melhud | Oct 24, 2017 | Children, Family, Thoughts & Rantings
We are living in a technology revolution and the access to clouds, online storage and flash drives has taken over the world. the habit of waiting for your holiday photographs to be returned to you from the chemist, my parents ALWAYS took the 7 day print option, it...
by melhud | Oct 24, 2017 | Children, Family, Outdoor Locations, Spring Summer Sessions
I had such a busy last few weeks in August and i loved loved loved every minute of it. the families i spent time with were awesome. the morning i spent with K&C and their little humans was simply the best. the weather had been damp all week but Thursday morning...
by melhud | Oct 24, 2017 | Engagement, Outdoor Locations
Engagement Photography – North Coast, Northern Ireland Mel Hudson Family Photography Meet Victoria & Chris you guys, we had an engagement session at the North Coast during the week and managed to capture a beautiful sun set, but to be honest i...