Baby Photography

Mel Hudson Family Photographer

baby photographer, Belfast

When families book their baby photography with me I always get asked

when is the best age to photograph the baby?

Wow now theres a question and a half, when is the best time to photograph the baby.  Personally me its the minute they are born. Get that mobile out and start snapping away.  Capture everything from your perspective. I promise from the bottom of my heart those pictures you’ve taken will be your most prized possession.

However I do understand you are asking from a professional standpoint.  So when is the best time to photograph the baby?  This will always depend upon what you are expecting from your session.  There are so many wonderfully talented Newborn Photographers in Northern Ireland.  Some of their fine art photography is just beautiful.  So below is a few questions to ask yourself so you can work out exactly what you want.

Posed or Not posed

Now these are 2 very different types of photography.  If you like the posed wrapped baby photography, then you’ll find a majority of that will happen in a studio.  Controlled flash lighting is used, its helpful if baby is sleepy and its normally carried out within a few weeks of baby being born so they are still easy to manipulate and squish.  Generally this is a time intensive session that can last over 3-4 hours depending upon how quickly they can work with baby, and you will have to travel to the studio. These sessions will have an element of photoshop involved, babies skin will be smoothed out and adjusted.  Giving the whole picture the feel of fine art.

Newborn baby at home family photoshoot, baby looking over mums shoulder


If you prefer a more non-posed feel then you are looking more towards lifestyle photographers like myself.  I tend to use as much natural light as I can, there will be no wrapping of baby my preference is to capture the connections between this new little person and their humans.  These sessions can take place once again within a few weeks of baby being born right up-to 3-4 months.

I personally find with Lifestyle Newborn Photography after 3-4 weeks is the sweet spot.

This stage they have filled out a tiny bit, become a bit more pink and chubby.  I love it when we get their eyes opened looking at me, those little dark pools wondering what on earth this strange lady is up-to.  Lifestyle photography can include a bit of photoshop but not to the extent of the fine art posed session.

at home newborn baby photographer Northern Ireland 
Studio or Home

Once again I find you will get a very different feel from a studio photography session to a lifestyle at home photography session. So lets see if I can break it down –

Studio sessions once again will be using controlled lighting. The backdrop will tend to be a plain colour and the main focus of the picture will the baby set up. You will have to travel to the studio & if you have additional siblings it’s a good idea to bring snacks & games to keep them occupied.  The variety within your gallery will be the different pictures the newborn baby photographer will capture of your new little human.  Studio images can be very clean and uncluttered, making for very beautiful simple images.

I tend to move around the house

Lifestyle baby photography sessions can take place at home, your garden, your mums house.  Wherever you feel you’d like to capture being with your little one.  We will come to you and capture the baby at home.  Once again I tend to work with all the natural light as I can, however some off camera flash could be included.  If you prefer this style you are embracing your home and how your brand new baby fits into your life right now.  We can include the mess from the countless baby blankets around and 5 packets of opened baby wipes.  Or we can give certain areas a quick sweep of clutter.  This way you can have beautiful photos with the backdrop being your home.

Mel Hudson at home baby photographer Belfast, Northern Ireland

I tend to move around within the house, the 3 areas I like to photograph will be the baby’s nursery, kitchen / sunroom, siblings in their bedroom & living room.  We get a different vibe from each of these photographs that then builds up a whole story of your life right now with your new baby.

Who is in the picture?

Lifestyle Newborn Photography Mel Hudson Family Photographer Belfast

Its always a good idea to consider who you want in the pictures.  If you are purely interested in only capturing your brand new newborn human, then communicate that with your photographer.  If you are interested in including all the of the family. Mummy, Daddy, siblings then consider are you again looking for a traditional posed picture. Where everyones hands are exactly where they should be and everyone is looking at the photographer.  Or are you interested in more of a relaxed feel to your family picture.

Do you want to capture everyone naturally interacting with each other.

Either way please please do consider getting into the frame.  We are always so self conscious about how we look we tend to walk away when the camera appears.  But nothing brings more joy to my kids is seeing pictures of themselves with me and their daddy.  They love taking silly selfies with me and capturing all those photos will give them a really firm foundation of who I am when they are older.  That is so important because the photographs will help reinforce the memories of their happy crazy childhood.

baby photographer Newtownabbey 

Framed Prints or Digitals

What do you want at the very end of the day.  If you are looking for the whole package, someone to photograph and then deliver beautiful wall art.  Then make sure your photographer provides that.

If you are more interested in obtaining the digitals from your session then make sure you do your research.

Some photographers just don’t release digitals.  It’s their preference instead to sell each photograph as a framed product.



I provide the best of both, with all of my sessions I include High Resolution Digitals that allows you to print and share as many copies as you like.

However I also include  within my packages a product either a framed print or album depending upon what you prefer.

The prices are there to let you know how much it would cost if you would like to purchase an additional print for a grandparent.  I absolutely have no hidden charges within my sessions, you will always know exactly what you will have to pay.

at home maternity photos Belfast with Mel Hudson Family Photographer


Everyone has a budget and when a newborn baby arrives so do all the bills.  So give yourself a budget and then research who is in your budget.  Then once you’ve found a number of photographers within your budget.  Get in touch and find out what you are getting for your money.

A number of studio photographers tend to lead with an In Person Sales (IPS) approach their price point will be a low sitting fee of up-to £100.  This fee is purely for the session and their time and expertise.  The products afterwards will be more, so ask for a price list and work out what you would want.  It’s it within your budget?

Shoot & burn photographers, which is what I would be.  They capture your moments and then provide you with your digitals / product, so their fees will appear more expensive initially, however there tends to be no further hidden charges from them.  I prefer to work this way.  I always like my clients to know the maximum they will ever have to pay with me to obtain their full digital gallery.  CLICK HERE to see my sessions and their prices


Gift Vouchers for Photographing Newborn Baby Northern Ireland

at home newborn baby photographer Co Antrim 

Also if you are reading this because you are interested in gifting a newborn baby photography session, then wow.  Seriously it is the best gift you could offer to a little family who is growing.  The baby grows will be grown out of and the stuff will no longer be needed.  But the pictures, these will be cherished

I hope this little blog has helped you decide. If you are interested in having a look at some of my newborn lifestyle sessions CLICK HERE.

Any questions then please do give me a ring or WhatsApp me on 07703389313, happy to have a natter.

M xx


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