Are my Digitals Included ?
There are various schools of thought on this subject. I can become super unpopular very quickly when i try and discuss digitals included with photography packages. We are living in the age of sharing on social media like Facebook / Instagram / Snap Chat and I know there are a LOT more.
However I’m just too tired to keep up! Am I right? Do you feel the same?
My soon to be teenage son has zero desire to join the digital world, for which i am incredibility grateful. However my young daughter who hasn’t even reached double digits yet will be another story. However i find myself digressing again.
Are Digitals Included with my family shoot?
This question is hands down the one question i can guarantee i am going to be asked while discussing packages with clients. Years ago when i was in the fog of having a newborn Mr B and i ventured out into the world to get photographs taken of our newborn son. Now we were first time parents, exhausted and shell shocked. First time babies will do that to you! We went to a studio with a reputable photographer. I had taken hundreds of my own pictures, however i wanted to be included with my new little family. So we packed the car up, arranged the shoot around nap & feeding times, which was stressful in itself, and tootled off. This experience was one of the most stressful experiences of my life.
Now if you dont already know i’m not a fan of studio photography when it comes to little humans
The photographs of my son were adorable. I loved them! The lighting was spot on so every image of him was sharp and clean. Beautiful! However when i look back on them i feel a little sad. They were the furthest thing from what i believe photography should be. They lacked the soul and connection that comes from Mr B & I being comfortable, at home, surrounded by our life. Plain studio backgrounds make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
my digitals were being held at ransom!
Anyway, when we finished the shoot i asked when the images would be ready and if my digitals were included. I was ‘sold’ sorry told i could come back to see them within the next 2 weeks and of course yes we have digital packages available. So 2 weeks later Mr B & I had to find a babysitter and venture into Belfast again to go see our session. We were made super comfortable and welcomed with open arms. Our viewing session began with a cool song in the background and the photographs being shown to us on the TV. We LOVED them all, we wanted them ALL!
Then the price list was given to us. Hundreds of pounds for just a few images. The digitals included package was THOUSANDS of pounds. I couldn’t believe it.
Now when i was learning my trade at photography it was during the time of film and the question was always asked, are the negatives included? Which i would always have answered yes, they are with your package. So imagine my horror when i realised my digitals were being held at ransom. Even the images we eventually purchased did not come with the digitals included. We left the studio that evening devastated.
We had been lured in with a low session fee of £75, which could then be used against whatever photography package we chose
The whole experience, the uncomfortable studio shoot. Trying to work around the baby’s schedule. Traffic… and more traffic… crying hungry baby in the car. Having to go back AGAIN to see the images. The hard sell on two exhausted, sleep deprived adults. Digitals being held at ransom and not being included. Everything about the whole experience sucked.
Fast forward a few years… a few more, couple more after that..
Fast forward a few years and I decided to focus on building my photography business up again. To be fair Mr B & I had a lot of babies in a really short time, it was a war zone for a good part of 5 years. So when the light began to form and free childcare kicked in.. ie school. I decided it was time to grow my family photography business again. My 3 rules were –
- to be upfront and totally clear about what my clients were getting for their money, no sneaky hidden costs
- DIGITALS INCLUDED with all my packages
- have fun and shoot for me, NO studio photography
Which has brought me to today. I absolutely bloody love what i do. Looking for connections, joy and love it’s a wonderful job.
If you would like to have a chat with me about my digitals included package / options then please drop me a line. Im ever so chatty!
Click HERE for my contact page
Click HERE for my photography packages price list, its half way down my home page.
M x